GSSSB Head Clerk, Sub Accountant/ Sub Auditor, Sub Inspector Instructor, Havaldar Instructor & Various Other Posts
Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar conducts competitive examinations for the posts of Head Clerk, Class-3 cadre for the head offices of the departments under the control of the departments of the Secretariat and invites online application forms from the candidates on the OJAS website to prepare the selection list on merit basis. These candidates can apply on the website on Online application has to be made between 08/04/2071 (12:00 noon) to 01/09/2021 (11:45 pm).
👉 Post :
1. Sub Auditor
2. HeadClerk
3. Constable Instructor
4. Deputy Inspector
5. Sub Inspector Instructor
6. Senior Scientific Assistant
7. Additional Assistant Engineer
8. Chemical Assistant
9. Horticulture Inspector
10. Sanitary Inspector
11. Wireman
👉 Qualifications:-
>>> Sub Inspector Class-3
Eligibility: Graduate (will be added if NCC Certificate)
Age: 21 to 35 years
Date of birth: Must be between 1-March-1986 and 1-March-2000
Sub Inspector Instructor Class-3 (Home Guard)
Eligibility: Graduate (will be added if NCC Certificate)
Age: 18 to 35 years
Date of birth: Must be between 1-March-1986 and 1-March-2003
Havildar Instructor Class-3 (Home Guard)
Eligibility: Graduate (will be added if NCC Certificate)
Age: 18 to 35 years
Date of birth: Must be between 1-March-1986 and 1-March-2003
Sub Accountant / Sub Auditor
Qualification: Graduate
Age: 18 to 35 years
Date of birth: Must be between 1-March-1986 and 1-March-2003
Head Clark
Qualification: Graduate
Age: 18 to 35 years
Date of birth: Must be between 1-March-1986 and 1-March-2003
Sanitary Inspector
Deputy Inspector
Senior Scientific Assistant
Additional Assistant Engineer (Mechanic)
Chemical Assistant
Horticulture Inspector
👉 total post:- ૬à«à«©
👉 Important dates
▪️ Application Date: -06/09/2021
▪️ Last date: -01/02/2021
1) Detailed Instructions for Application (Including Issue No. 3 in this Advertisement) Candidate must read this entire advertisement carefully before applying online.
2) Candidate should not attach any certificates while applying online. But, when applying online, the applicant has to fill in the entire details in the online application based on the details in the certificates. Hence all his credentials such as educational qualification, age, school leaving certificate, caste, physical disability (if applicable), ex-serviceman (if applicable), widow (if applicable) and other qualifications. All the correct details have to be filled in the online application based on such certificates along with the certificates. So that the application is not eligible to be canceled due to incorrect details in the application.
👉 petten of exams :
OMR with objective questions in the first phase as shown in issue number-3 in this advertisement. Competitive written examination of the system Part-I and then approximately three times the total number of candidates will have to go through the process of Commuter Proficiency (Efficiency Test) of Part-II.
👉 If required, some instructions regarding the examination can be sent by SMS to the mobile number. (SMS). Therefore, it is essential to indicate the mobile number in the relevant column in the application form and retain the same mobile number till the entire recruitment process is completed.
Notes :
(1) The number of seats mentioned in the advertisement shall be subject to change.
(3) Reserved seats are reserved only for the candidates of that reserved category of native Gujarat.
(3) Out of the total 01 (one) posts of the candidate with physical deformity mentioned above, (1) for blind or visually impaired persons (05) - tv space, and (ii) for hearing impaired persons (30) - HH space, and Or (2) 01 (OAVOL) space is reserved for movement impairment or cerebral palsy.
(2) Only one candidate can apply. However, in any case, if a candidate has made more than one application, the other confirmed application will be considered valid and the other application will be considered canceled. Non-reserved category candidates who have paid the prescribed fee along with the last confirmed application will be considered valid. And the previous application will be considered canceled. If the candidate has not paid the prescribed fee with the last confirmed application, then the last confirmed application with the fixed fee out of the remaining applications of such candidate will be considered valid. If the candidate has paid the fee with more than one application, it will not be refunded.
(2) If a qualified female candidate is not available for the reserved seats for women, the vacancy should be filled by a male candidate of the relevant category (General, Economically Weaker Class, SC, ST, SEBC). Will come.
(3) As per rules, 10% space is reserved for ex-servicemen. Candidates selected in the Ex-Servicemen category will be compensated against their respective categories (General, Economically Weaker Class, SC, ST, SEBC). If a qualified ex-serviceman candidate is not found for the ex-serviceman's reserved seat, the vacancy will be filled by other general qualified candidates in that category. Ex-servicemen candidates who have served in the Army forces of water, air and ground for at least six months and have a competent officer's identity card and discharge book as a veteran will get a waiver of up to three years in addition to the period of duty they have performed in the upper age limit. Candidates serving as ex-servicemen will be able to register their candidature even if they have one year left to retire.
(2) The seats of physically handicapped candidates which will be compensated against that category. If physically handicapped candidates are not found for the posts of physically handicapped candidates, the seats will be filled by other general qualified candidates in that category.
(2) In the advertisement, out of the total seats in that category, when certain seats are reserved for women candidates, except for the reserved seats for women candidates, the remaining seats are not to be considered as reserved only for male candidates, these seats may be considered for selection of male as well as female candidates. Male as well as female candidates can apply. (For example, out of the total 10 seats, 05 seats are reserved for women candidates but against the remaining 05 seats, women candidates can also be selected.) Salary Standard: Resolution No .: Expenditure - 2009-8 - Z.1 of the Finance Department dated 19/6/2009 and dated 3/6/2017 and dated 7/10/2011, dated 20/10/2017 As well as Resolution No. 30/10/2018: Expenditure - 2009-8- (Part-II) -Z.1 and last Resolution No. 18/01/2017: Expenditure - 2007-2- (Part 2) As per Z.1, for the first five years, Rs. 31,50 per month - Appointment will be given with fixed fixed salary. As well as other benefits of the aforesaid resolution. And Resolution No. of General Administration Department dated 8-10-2018: CRR - 11-2018-21311 - GP and Resolution of Dt. Of Finance Department dated 3-06-2017: Expenditure / 2009/3 / (Part-2) ) / Z-1 and the candidate nominated subject to the bids and conditions mentioned in the date 12/01/2017 at the end of five years will be eligible for regular appointment in the salary scale eligible to be met in the concerned office as per the rules of the then government. However, in this case, the name will be subject to the judgment of SLP No.14124 / 2012 and SLP No.14125 / 2012 filed in the Supreme Court. . Nationality: Candidate should be a citizen of India. Or should have nationality as per the provision of Rule-2 of Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 12.
👉 Education qualification :
Candidate to be eligible for appointment in selection through direct recruitment “Possess a bachelor’s degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed university under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government "should have educational qualifications.
Notes :
If any question arises during the recruitment process regarding the interpretation of the educational qualifications prescribed in the recruitment rules of the head clerk cadre, the appropriate decision will be taken in consultation with the head of the department concerned.
(B) Computer knowledge Candidate regarding the commuter as per the syllabus decided by the General Administration Department of the State Government dated 19/08/2009 as well as Government Resolution No .: CRR - 10-2006-19040 dated 19/05/2017. Must have a certificate / marksheet of any training institute having basic knowledge. Or certificates of having done any diploma / degree or certificate course in computer knowledge in a government recognized university or institute or certificates of commuter as a subject in degree or diploma course or certificates passed with Std-10 or Std-12 examination commuter subject Should have. Candidates who do not have such certificate at this stage will also be able to apply. But such candidates have to present such certificate of passing the Basic Knowledge of Commuter examination before the appointing authority before getting the appointment. Otherwise the appointing authority could “cancel” the selection of candidates in such a case.
(C) Candidate should have adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both languages.
Notes :
(1) The important issues of educational qualification prescribed in the recruitment rules of Head Clerk, Class-3 cadre have been included in the application form. But at the time of final selection all the provisions of educational qualification mentioned in the recruitment rules will be taken into consideration. The candidate has to fill in the details in the application form only after considering all the details of the educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement.
(3) For the upper age limit of Head Clerk, Class-3 cadre, Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules-19 as well as the provisions mentioned in the recruitment rules Resolution No .: The provisions of CRR / 112004/4 / G2 as well as the amendments made from time to time have been taken into consideration.
👉 age limit :
(A) For the post of Head Clerk, Class-3 cadre, the age of the candidate on 01/03/2011 should not be more than 3 years.
(B) General category women candidates, reserved class male and female candidates as well as ex-servicemen, physically challenged candidates and candidates who have already served in the government service are eligible for exemption as per the following rules.
(1) For the post of Head Clerk, Class-III, general category women candidates will be eligible for five years exemption as a woman.
(2) Out of the posts of Head Clerk, Class-III, the seats reserved for the candidates of the reserved category have been given to the male candidates for five years and the female candidates have been given five years as a reserved class and five years as a woman. Total 10 (ten) years Will be met. But the male candidates of the class who have not shown reserved seats for that reserved class will not get any concession but the female candidates will be eligible for five years concession as women.
(3) General category disabled male candidates will be eligible for 10 years exemption.
(3) General category disabled women candidates will be eligible for 18 years concession.
(4) Male candidates with disabilities in the reserved category will be eligible for 15 years exemption in the category of seats reserved for the reserved category. While the seats which are not reserved for the reserved category, the disabled male candidates of that reserved category will be entitled to a concession of only 10 years.
(5) Women candidates with disabilities in the reserved category will be eligible for 50 years exemption in the category of seats reserved for the reserved category. While the seats which are not reserved for the reserved category, the disabled women candidates of that reserved category will be eligible for exemption of 18 years only.
👉 age relaxation :
(1) A male candidate in the category of Economically Weaker Class (EWS) will get a relaxation of five (05) years and a female candidate will get a relaxation in the age limit of five (05) years as EWS category and five years as a woman. Eligibility Certificate for Economically Weaker Classes (EWS) Candidates Eligibility Certificate for Economically Weaker Classes (EWS) drawn for State Government Jobs on the basis of income for the financial year 2016-2017 / 2017-2020 from 15/01/2017 to 01/03 Only if you have a certificate obtained by 2021, you will get the benefit of concession in upper age limit as well as reserved seats in Ews category. Otherwise they will be able to subscribe as a general category candidate. And in that case the age limit, exemption from examination fee as well as the benefit of selection on the reserved seat will not be available.
(2) Candidates of Economically Weaker Class (Ews) should apply for Social Justice and Empowerment Department. Resolution No. 3/01/2018: - EWS. Annexure - KH (Eligibility Certificate For Economically Weaker sections) prescribed in accordance with the provision of / 19017/4560 / A in English sample or Appendix-C (Certificate of Eligibility for Economically Weaker Classes) in Gujarati sample Date: 17/01/2018 The last date to apply from 01/02/2071 is to show the number and date of the original certificate obtained during online application. Candidates who are unable to produce such certificate issued by the competent authority will be disqualified if they do not fall within the age limit fixed for general candidates. Head Clerk, S.E.B.C. The s.E.B.C. seats reserved for the candidates of the category. Non-Chemilayer Certificate issued by the candidates for the job of the State Government on the basis of the income of the financial year 2015-2016 / 2016/2017/2018/2017/2050 from the financial year 2015/2016/2017/2017/2017. Only if they have a certificate obtained during 01/03 2021, they will get the benefit of exemption in the upper age limit as well as reserved seats of the category. Otherwise they will be able to subscribe as a general category candidate. And in that case age limit, exemption from examination fee as well as selection benefit on reserved seats will not be available. All the candidates in the reserved category should have obtained the certificate of caste in the form prescribed by the Government of Gujarat from time to time. (10) Only if the candidate has a certificate of Civil Surgeon that he has 50% or more of the defects, then he will get the benefit of upper age limit and reserve as a disabled candidate. Certificate issued by the Superintendent / Civil Surgeon / Medical Board of the Government Hospital in the prescribed form from the circular no. . As per the provisions of Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules-12, candidates who are in the service (feeder cadre) of the State Government will be eligible for exemption of 03 (three) years in the upper age limit. For this, senior clerk class-3 employees of the state government service will be considered as feeder cadre. Candidates of all categories except ex-servicemen should not exceed the age limit of 3 years under any circumstances with the concessions available in the upper age limit.
👉 education qualification age limition :
In case of all the candidates, educational qualification, age limit, eligibility certificate for EWS, non-creamier certificate and other required qualifications as on 01/02/2001 will be considered.
👉 process for application :
Only online application will be accepted by the Mandal in respect of this advertisement. Pursuant to which the candidates have shown in the advertisement during "" website from 07/06/2021 (12-00 noon) to 01/03/2021 (11-4 hours of night). Will be able to fill the online application form. However, if a candidate registers more than one application, in the case of such candidates, all the remaining applications except the last confirmed application will be considered valid.
👉 Fees : -
All the candidates who have selected “General” category (except PH and Ex-Serviceman category) while filling the form will have to pay the examination fee.
Candidates who select the following category in the application form will not have to pay any examination fee. (A) Scheduled Caste (SC) (b) Scheduled Tribe (ST), (c) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) (d) Economically Weaker Sections (f) Ex-Serviceman ) Candidates of all categories (six) Physically Handicapped (PH) Candidates of all categories who are to pay the fee When submitting their application on OJAs website they will be instructed to get print on one page of 3 copies of currency available online to pay the examination fee. Candidates will also have to get a print of this page. Candidates can go to any computerized post office with the currency and pay Rs. 100 / - in cash + Rs.15 / - postal charges have to be paid. One copy of the currency will be kept by the post office and two copies will be returned to the candidate with postage stamp and sticker. - The last date to pay the examination fee in the post office will be 05/06/2021 (till office time). - Examination fees will not be accepted in any other way.
👉 Examination Method :
👉 Minimum Qualification Standard:
The eligibility criteria for preparation of merit list will be decided by the Board. But as per the provisions of the examination rules, in any case, the minimum qualifying standard for candidates of all categories, including the reserved category, will be 50% of the total marks for each test. Out of the candidates who will pass the written test on the basis of merit, approximately 3 (three) times the total number of vacancies will be called for the Computer Proficiency (Efficiency) Test.
(1) Merit list for the post of Head Clerk, Class-III
Part-I: Written Test: Optical Mark Reading (OMR) Question Paper and Part-II: Computer Proficiency (Computer Efficiency) Test will be prepared on the basis of combined marks obtained in both.
(2) No oral test will be conducted for the post under this advertisement.
👉 Method of preparing selection list:
The selection list will be prepared keeping in view the details of the place to be filled by the candidates on the basis of the merits of the combined marks obtained in both the above mentioned Competitive Written Examination of Part-I and Computer Proficiency Test of Part-II.
👉 General Terms:
(1) Only the candidate of the category for which the seats are reserved in the advertisement will get exemption in the upper age limit. After taking into account all the concessions available, except for the ex-servicemen, the maximum age limit will not be increased for more than 3 years.
(3) After taking into account all the concessions available to women candidates of non-reserved and reserved classes, they will get concessions in the upper age limit only up to a maximum age of 3 years.
(2) (1) Candidates in the reserved category should have obtained the certificate of competent authority regarding caste in the form prescribed by the Government of Gujarat from time to time.
(3) Candidates of Economically Weaker Class (EWS) should apply for Social Justice and Empowerment Department. Resolution No. 3/01/2018: EWS Annexure - KH (Eligibility Certificate For Economically Weaker Sections) prescribed in accordance with the provision of / 12012/207 / A in English sample or Appendix-C (Eligibility Certificate for Economically Weaker Classes) in Gujarati sample dated 31/06/2018 / Dt. Fiscal year ending on 31/06/2018 / 31/04/2040: Based on the income for the year 2015-2016 / 2016-2017 / 2016-2020 Last date to apply from 15/01/2018: 01/08 The number and date of the original certificate obtained during 2011 should be shown while applying online.
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