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Degree Convocation Gate Pass Registration MKBU

Degree Convocation Gate Pass Registration

   According to the press release of Maharaja Krishnakumar Sinhji Bhavnagar University, the students who have filled the degree form in August 2021 as well as January 2022 and have chosen the option of getting the degree by appearing in person.  Must generate his own token by 12 o'clock on the night of 23/03/2022.  In addition, only students who have a token will be able to enter the graduation ceremony.  Whose students as well as parents should take special note.

👉 Necessary instructions :
 On 26-03-2022 at 09:00 AM at Uni. Cricket Ground, Mahatma Gandhi Campus, Maharaja Krishnakumar Sinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.  Degree certificate has to be given to you in the post graduation ceremony in the presence of the Chancellor, one and a half hours (01:40 hours) before your time i.e. at 07:30 in the morning you have to be present in person to get the degree certificate.

 At the graduation ceremony, we will be provided a scarf by the university.  In this regard, you have to go to the registration counter of your faculty.
 The sisters will have to come in white sari and the brothers will have to come in white cuffed trousers.

 Showing this convocation gate pass will give you a scarf from the designated counter.

 By returning the scarf given to you after the completion of the graduation ceremony, you will have to get access to the scarf deposit from the counter.  Also, according to the bank details given by you, Rs.  500 / - will be deposited.

 The deposit deposited by you can be returned to the bank account given by you only if you are present at the graduation ceremony on 26-03-2022.

 Students who do not attend the graduation ceremony will not be able to get this deposit back which is a special note.  Aapshri will have to leave your place only after the completion of the graduation ceremony (i.e. after the guests leave the place).

👉 Token generate last date :

👉 àªŸોકન જનરેટ કરવા માટે : અહિ ક્લિક કરો

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