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SBI Requirements Post of The Business Correspondent Facilitator 2023

SBI Requirements Post of The Business Correspondent Facilitator 2023

State Bank of India invites online application from Indian citizen for engagement of retired officers of SBI, erstwhile Associates Banks of SBI(e-ABs) and other PSBs for the following post on contractual basis. Candidates are requested to apply online through the link given on Bank’s website. https://bank.sbi/careers or https://www.sbi.co.in/careers

 Keep checking PCSC ONLINE  regularly to get the latest updates. 

👉 Name Of The Post:
Business Correspondent Facilitator

👉 Important Date:
• Starting Date - 10/03/2023
• Last Date - 31/03/2023

👉 Total Vacancy : 868
>>Categories wise post:
Please Read Official Notifications 

👉 Job Location : Gujarat & All India

👉 Job Type : Bank Jobs

👉 Nationality/ Citizenship:
Candidate must be a citizen of India. 

👉 Application Mode :
Applications will be accepted through on-line mode only.

1.Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website https://bank.sbi/careers OR https://www.sbi.co.in/careers.

2. After registering online, the candidates are advised to take a printout of the system generated online application forms

3. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be completed unless candidate uploads his/ her photo and signature as per the guidelines specified under ‘How to Upload Document”. Candidates should fill the ‘application form’ carefully and submit the same after filling it completely. In case a candidate is not able to fill the application in one go, he/ she can save the partly filled ‘Form’. On doing this, a provisional registration number & password is generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should carefully note down the registration number & password. The partly filled & saved application form can be re-opened using registration number & password where-after the particulars can be edited, if needed. This facility of editing the saved information will be available for three times only. Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the application form.

👉 Process of selection :

The selection will be based on shortlisting & interview.
Shortlisting: -Mere fulfilling minimum qualification and experience will not vest any right in candidate for being called for interview. The Shortlisting Committee constituted by the Bank will decide the shortlisting parameters and thereafter, adequate number of candidates, as decided by the Bank will be shortlisted and called for interview. The decision of the Bank to call the candidates for the interview shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Interview:- Interview will carry 100 marks. The qualifying marks in interview will be decided by the Bank. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Merit list: - Merit list for final selection will be prepared in descending order of scores obtained in interview only, subject to candidate scoring minimum qualifying marks. In case more than one candidate score common cut-off marks, such candidates will be ranked in the merit in descending order of their age.

👉 Official Webiste : 


👉 Education Qualifications:

Candidates who have not acquired the essential educational qualification as on the stipulated date will not be eligible and need not apply.

Educational Qualification/ Experience/Special Skill/ aptitude Required-
Education: No specific educational qualifications are required, Since the applicants are retired officers of SBI, e-ABs & Other PSBs.

Experience (If any): The retired personnel should have sufficient work experience and overall professional competence in the relevant area.

Special Skill/ aptitude: The retired personnel should possess the special skill/ aptitude/ quality, as per the requirement for the post.

👉 Age Limitations :

Age Limit: 
1.The retired officers of SBI & e-ABs should have retired from the Bank’s service only on attaining superannuation at the age of 60 years. The officers voluntarily retired/ resigned/ suspended or left the Bank otherwise before superannuation are not eligible for consideration for engagement. However, any officer, who has completed 58 years of age and 30 years of service/pensionable service (both the conditions need to be satisfied) as on the date of applying for voluntary retirement as per e-Circular Nos. CDO/P&HRD-PM/58/2015-16 dated 07.10.2015 &CDO/P&HRD-PM/12/2017-18 dated 05.05.2017 will be eligible for engagement in the Bank on attaining the age of 60 years. 

2. The engagement shall be up to the maximum age of 65 years, subject to other conditions regarding renewal of contract. As such, ex-officer should not be more than 63 years of age as on date of advertisement i.e., on 10.03.2023.

Age-relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit check Category wise age relaxation officials notifications.

👉 Salary:

40000/- per months 

👉 How apply:

Applications must be submitted in online mode at the official website of the Commission i.e. https://bank.sbi/careers. For detailed instructions, please refer to officially notifications are given below links.

1.Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website https://bank.sbi/careers OR https://www.sbi.co.in/careers.

2. After registering online, the candidates are advised to take a printout of the system generated online application forms

3. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be completed unless candidate uploads his/ her photo and signature as per the guidelines specified under ‘How to Upload Document”. Candidates should fill the ‘application form’ carefully and submit the same after filling it completely. In case a candidate is not able to fill the application in one go, he/ she can save the partly filled ‘Form’. On doing this, a provisional registration number & password is generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should carefully note down the registration number & password. The partly filled & saved application form can be re-opened using registration number & password where-after the particulars can be edited, if needed. This facility of editing the saved information will be available for three times only. Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the application form.

👉 Examinations:

No exam only for interview and merit base.

👉 Interview for fresher :

1.The shortlisted candidates shall be interviewed by the interview committee and decision of the committee will be final and binding in this regard.

2. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing in the Interview process.

3. Merit list will be drawn by Circle wise, category wise, and preferably the candidates will be posted in the Circle for which they are
applying, in the event of their selection and will not be entitled for inter-circle transfer.


👉 Official Notifications Download: Click Here

👉 Apply Online: Click Here

👉 Main website: Click Here


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