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GSRTC Recruitment 2024

 Keep checking PCSC ONLINE  regularly to get the latest updates. 

👉 Name Of The Post: 

👉 Important Date:
• Starting Date - 06-12-2024
• Last Date - 05-01-2024

👉 Total Vacancy : 1658
>>Categories wise post:
Please Read Official Notifications 

👉 Job Location : Gujarat & All India

👉 Job Type : GRTC

👉 Nationality/ Citizenship:
Candidate must be a citizen of India. 

👉 Application Mode And Exam pettern:
Applications will be accepted through on-line mode only.
O.M.R System Competitive Written Test 100 marks will be conducted which will be converted into 30 weightage marks.

Minimum educational qualification, additional educational qualification for priority will be 70 marks.

When the candidates selected in the provisional shortlist are called for verification of age, caste, educational qualifications and other necessary original certificates, if the details shown in the online application form are found to be different or incorrect from the details of the original certificates, such candidate will not be considered eligible for selection and his/her candidature will be considered cancelled.

👉 Competitive Written Test by O.M.R Method :
The merits of competitive written test by O.M.R method are as follows. 100 marks
Time:-2:00 hrs
1 General Knowledge / History of Gujarat / Geography / Current Affairs of Gujarat (Standard-10)
30 marks

2 Gujarati Grammar (Standard-10th Standard)
05 marks

3 English Grammar (Standard-10)
05 marks

4 Questions related to the subject of qualification
50 marks

5 Questions on basic knowledge of computer usage
10 marks

Total 100 marks

1) Competitive written test will be conducted by O.M.R method of 100 marks as per the syllabus mentioned in the advertisement and the duration will be 2:00 hours. A minimum of 40 marks should be obtained to pass this test.

2) Candidates securing less than 40 marks will be considered failed.

3) Syllabus standard and subject matter in the question paper of Sadar examination were question paper (O.M.R.) corresponding to the subjects of General Knowledge and Maximum Educational Qualification of Class-10 in Gujarat Board of Secondary Education.

4) The medium of examination will be in Gujarati except English Grammar (10th standard).

5) There will be one question paper of 100 marks and each question will carry 01 (one) marks.

6) O.M.R method will take into account true-false answer, answer with more than one option, mixed answer and omitted answer. Marks for wrong, crossed, multiple choice and omitted answers will be evaluated by minus method. 0.25 marks will be deducted from each answer for each wrong answer, answer left blank, if there is more than one option, but if the candidate does not want to answer and the option in the O.M.R.

Dark will not be deducted minus 0.25 marks.

👉 Application Fee:

354/- rupees only 

👉 Official Webiste : 


👉 Education Qualifications:

10 STD + ITI

Candidates who have not acquired the essential educational qualification as on the stipulated date will not be eligible and need not apply.

1.Minimum educational qualification, additional educational qualification for preference, computer certificate, age, caste etc. certificate / mark sheet will be considered as on date of filling of application form. Any subsequent certificates will not be accepted and the application form will be cancelled.

2 Candidates at the time of filling the online application form ITI. / The application form has to be filled by deducting percentage from the total marks of the mark sheet of the apprenticeship pass.

3.The candidate has ITI. / In case the percentage shown in the online application form is less than the percentage indicated in the mark sheet of the Apprenticeship Pass, the candidate's request to improve the percentage or to include the candidate in the cut off merit will not be considered under any circumstances.

4 In case the total marks are not mentioned in the qualification mark sheet for the qualification which the candidate wants to show in the online application form, in the same case, calculate the percentage accurately as per the point system formula prescribed by the institute / board to two decimal places in the online application form- (eg 50.5% ) percentage has to be shown. For this, the candidate has to submit the supporting evidence of the point system calculation formula of that institution / board. If the percentage shown in the online application form is higher than the percentage coming as per the prescribed point system formula, then the application form will be rejected.

S ITI / Candidate's claim for provisional validity of Apprenticeship Pass will not be entertained.

6. Candidate should have ITI. / In case of Apprenticeship Pass published by the Institute / Board on their approved website and based on the above instructions No. 01 to 5 (as applicable) the cumulative percentage details are filled in the application form, then such candidate can check his/her result on the website. Attested copy by obtaining a print out or face to face verification of the text/certificate of the date on which the result has been published on the website by the institution/board.

Must be submitted on time. Even if the application form is filled and the information is correct before the result of such educational qualification is published on the website, it will not be accepted and such application form will be considered cancelled.

7. If there is spelling mistake in one's name and surname as mentioned in the online application form, SSCE certificate or school leaving certificate, qualification certificates and other documentary evidence, an affidavit has to be submitted and if the name or surname has been changed Then the copy of the Government Gazette before the last date of application regarding that amendment has to be submitted at the time of document verification otherwise the application form will be cancelled.

8. According to the policy of the candidate corporation, resolution No. CRR of the Government of Gujarat. 10- 2007-120320-G-5 Dated 13/08/2008 as per the prescribed syllabus should have a certificate / mark sheet from the training institute about having basic knowledge of computer. OR Certificates of any Diploma / Degree or Certificate Course in Computer Knowledge from a Government recognized University or Institution OR Certificates having Computer as a subject in Degree or Diploma Course OR Passed Class-10th or Class-12th Examination with Computer Subject Must have. Candidates have to submit such certificates / mark sheets (prior to last date of application) at the time of verification of original certificates before selection as per President Resolution, failing which their application form will be cancelled.

9.After submission of marksheet/certificate/document of inter-state (out-state) studies by the candidate to its satisfaction, further action regarding appointment will be taken. The application form of the candidates with wrong mark sheet / certificate / document will be canceled and the Corporation reserves the right to take legal action against them.

👉 Age Limitations :

Please read official notification given below 

Age-relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit check Category wise age relaxation officials notifications.

👉 Salary:

21100/- five years fixx.

👉 How apply:

Applications must be submitted in online mode at the official website of the Commission i.e.https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in . For detailed instructions, please refer to officially notifications are given below links.

👉 Examinations:

Competitive Written Test by O.M.R Method :
The merits of competitive written test by O.M.R method are as follows. 100 marks
Time:-2:00 hrs
1 General Knowledge / History of Gujarat / Geography / Current Affairs of Gujarat (Standard-10)
30 marks

2 Gujarati Grammar (Standard-10th Standard)
05 marks

3 English Grammar (Standard-10)
05 marks

4 Questions related to the subject of qualification
50 marks

5 Questions on basic knowledge of computer usage
10 marks

Total 100 marks

1) Competitive written test will be conducted by O.M.R method of 100 marks as per the syllabus mentioned in the advertisement and the duration will be 2:00 hours. A minimum of 40 marks should be obtained to pass this test.

👉 Admit card or Callletter:

Admit Card for any stage of examination will not be sent by Post. Facility for download of Admit Cards will be provided at the websites of Regional Offices of the Commission. Candidates are advised to regularly visit the websites the updates on examination process and download of Admit Cards for each stage of examination.


👉 Official Notifications Download: Click Here

👉 Apply Online: Click Here

👉 Main website: Click Here


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